By API Webmaster on Saturday, 15 April 2017
Category: Kenya Pastors

API Pastor's Conference Spring 2017

April 13, 2017


Stan and I flew back to Nairobi last night and we are flying back to the U.S. tonight at 11:55 pm. Love those late night flight times! Tuesday we traveled out to Nakepokan, the village where we helped build a church last August.

We were actually going to visit Nakepokan and another village where we want to help the church put up a building, but we ended up staying in Nakepokan most of the day, taking care of some important church business.

Essentially we were looking to help facilitate reconciliation between two pastors and I am happy to report that God was gracious to us and the brothers were fully reconciled and unity restored. Keep Nakepokan in your prayers as the work is difficult and the challenges are many. Pray for Pastor Thomas Eipa and his congregation. The drought here is severe and the animals are dying, as well as many people.

The meeting here lasted so long that we went right through lunch and by the time we ended, we needed to head back to Lodwar so we wouldn't be traveling at night. But along the way we found a nice place to take a break from the rough road and the heat to picnic. George's wife, Grace, had brought a thermos of hot water to make coffee and tea, and we had some biscuits and crackers, and some beef jerky I had brought along.

I am deeply indebted to Nick Dawson for his contribution to this trip by buying new tires for George's Land Rover!  We've driven many hours and a few hundred kilometers on this trip to Turkana and not one flat or blowout! George is very grateful to Nick also for his generosity.

Today Stan and I are wrapping things up in Nairobi, getting ready to fly home. It has been a great trip for both of us and God has blessed us in so many ways. Stan has a blog of this trip as well, and since he and I were in different parts of the country for many days, you can read about his work in Matete by going to: 

Here are some random shots of our last day. 

Fueling up at our favorite petrol station.  Thought I might see Chuck.

Stopped at a new coffee Roaster - Nove Coffee.

Stan instructing his Maasai friend on how to use the internet.

Stan and Frank at the mall. Don't they look angelic?

Stan and I would like to thank all those who have supported us for this trip and have been faithfully praying for us.  God has answered your prayers bountifully.

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