By Michael Sandberg on Monday, 12 August 2019
Category: Kenya Pastors

Lodwar Pastor's Conference August 2019

Monday, August 12, 2019

It's August again so we must be in Lodwar. This conference marks the sixth consecutive year we have held the pastor training conference in Lodwar Town during the month of August. 

I arrived in Nairobi last Thursday after a delay-lengthened trip from Portland to Seattle to Los Angeles to Amsterdam to Nairobi. Rob and Dan arrived Saturday morning, and Tim and Jay flew in late Saturday night.  Sunday morning we took the early flight to Lodwar and arrived around 9:30.  Before we left Nairobi, we took a moment to get a photo of the Fab Five.  

One thing you must never do is fall asleep within range of the team photographer.

After a nice nap we arrived without incident to a sunny, 95 degree welcome to Lodwar, and after getting settled at St Teresa's Pastoral Centre, we headed out to the church at Lokaparaparai.  This spring we helped the church here to erect their first building.  However, the contractor they hired was less than competent and the work, in the words of my friend overseeing the project, was "not so excellent".  In short we had to tear off the roof and some of the iron sheets on the sides and rebuild a large part of the church.  That work was completed the day before we arrived and so we went out to see the result.

Above from the left is George Lokwawi who oversaw the construction, Martin Sasy, the pastor who planted the church, myself and Pastor Dan Mason. The rocks around the exterior will form the foundation around the whole building to ensure that water runoff from the hillside doesn't wash it away.  The church has also started digging the hole for the pit latrine.

Sunday evening we had our traditional dinner with the executive team for the Lodwar Pastors Fellowship before heading into the conference week.  The pastor standing and speaking is the chairman of the Lodwar Pastors Fellowship, Joshua Lemuya.

Please continue to pray for us as we head into this week.  Our theme this year is "Unveiling Christ in the Old Testament" and we are excited to dig into the word of God together with our Kenyan brothers and sisters.


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