By Michael Sandberg on Thursday, 19 August 2021
Category: Kenya Pastors

Summer 2021 Mission

Thursday August 19, 2021

It is Thursday afternoon and we're over the halfway point in the conference.  We had about 170 pastors and church leaders registered by Tuesday and the place is full.  In fact we have people sitting all around the outside of the hall due to the limited space inside.

We've had a wonderful time of teaching and fellowship, and very lively Q&A sessions with these pastors. I can't thank my API team enough for their dedication and hard work as they oversee all the logistics of this conference.  In addition to being one of our speakers, Pastor Moses Biketi heads up our registration team.

Pastor Shadrack is our Conference Director and keeps everything running smoothly, while John works the media table along with Rob and Pastor Reuben.

Pastor Benson, traveled all the way from Kilgoris to be part of the team this year and works to cover all the gaps we encounter in serving these pastors.

And of course Rob makes the whole thing run. 

We've got a couple local pastors teaching as well.  Pastor Boniface Lokuruka taught on The Man of God and Culture, and Pastor Joshua Lemuya will be teaching tonight on the Man of God and Prayer.

This year we've partnered with Ekklesia Afrika to provide another arena of pastoral training for our pastors and church leaders through their SOMA program. SOMA is a cohort based method of study that has small groups of pastors coming together locally throughout the year to read and learn together.  They walk through a book a month, reading, discussing, asking and answering questions, wrestling with theology and doctrine and hard texts of the Bible.  The complete course covers four years and by the end these pastors will have throrough understanding of the Bible and its story.

Mike Muthema of Ekklesia Afrika, along with Pastor Charles Macharia joined us for two days in Lodwar and just flew out this morning. We are looking forward to a long partnership with Ekklesia Afrika as we share the same passion for equipping local pastors in order to build healthy, gospel-centered churches that reproduce all over Kenya.

Please pray for us and for those who are attending this conference that God will seal the truth of His word in their hearts and they will be faithful to share that truth with their congregations.

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